Sponsorship Opportunities
Level Sponsorship Packages
HOST SPONSORSHIP — Partner: $94,500 | Non-partner: $113,400 SOLD OUT!
Ten (10) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Full-page (with bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program (Outside Back Cover)
- Ad size: 5.75 x 8.75 to include 1/8” bleed on all sides / Live area: 5.5 x 8.5
Sponsorship of the Welcome reception
Sponsorship of Crows' Nest Networking Lounge
Company representative brief welcome address during Opening Symposium Session
Please Note: Host Sponsorship does not include exhibit space and may only be reserved by exhibitors with a minimum of 200 square feet of contracted space.
PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP — Partner: $26,250 | Non-Partner: $31,500
Four (4) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Full-page (no bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program
Co-Sponsor of Lunch each day (all 3 days)
Please Note: Platinum Sponsorship does not include exhibit space and may only be reserved by exhibitors with a minimum of 200 square feet of contracted space.
GOLD SPONSORSHIP — Partner: $12,600 | Non-partner: $15,120
Three (3) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Half-page (no bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program
- Ad Size and Live Area: 4.5 x 3.625 (allows for 1/4” between ads)
Co-Sponsor of Happy Hour Day 1 and Day 2
SILVER SPONSORSHIP — Partner: $6,300 | Non-Partner: $7,560
Two (2) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Quarter page (no bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program
- Ad Size and Live Area: 2.125 x 3.625 (allows for 1/4” between ads)
Co-Sponsor of Symposium coffee each morning (all 3 days)
BRONZE SPONSORSHIP — Partner: $3,150 | Non-partner: $3,780
One (1) Complimentary Master Pass Registration
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
Advertising & Branding Opportunities
Are you looking to increase your organization's visibility at our event? No problem! We've got a myriad of options at all price-points, so you can make the best decision for your organization and your bottom-line. Click here to view all branding opportunities at this year's event.
Become a Sponsor Today!
For more information on these and other sponsorship opportunities please contact Sean Fitzgerald.
Email: Fitzgerald@crows.org
PH: 703-549-1600 x222